Hi! You just landed at simonebasilio.com.


Here, you will find examples of my work as an instructional designer, artisan, and fiber artist. I suspect I am what they call a highly creative person, and my mind just keeps spitting ideas non-stop. 

I also have a geeky side. At work, I am that team member who yells, "Me! Pick me!" to be assigned to solve a "hairy" problem. 

I love to combine my artsy and geeky sides, which is one reason I love to work with instructional and web design.

About this website

Have you been in a situation where you work on most of the projects delivered by your team but never stop to at least save a picture of your work? That's where I was until recently. This portfolio is an attempt to catch up with my portfolio, and it is a work in progress. 

If you are curious about a specific type of ID work you don't see here yet, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at scb000@gmail.com. I am really good at answering emails.

This website is currently being updated. Yes, right at this moment, I am adding and moving things around.